Roomle GmbH
Peter-Behrens-Platz 2
4020 Linz
On the A7 / E55 (city highway) take the Hafenstraße exit, continue straight on Untere Donaulände. At the ice rink turn left into Gruberstraße, after about 80 meters turn left into Ludlgasse, then immediately left again into the courtyard of the tobacco factory (entrance past the porter's lodge). The Roomle entrance is on the 5th floor of Haus Casablanca (stair D). Paid short-term parking is available in the courtyard of the Tabakfabrik. Alternative parking options: Underground car park Parkbad or Medicent.
Company address: Peter-Behrens-Platz 2
Office: Peter-Behrens-Platz 7