Rubens Knowledge Base
How to analyze your 3D products and proof the fit for live 3D visualization with the Rubens Configurator?
With the Roomle Content Analyzer, you are able to get a quick feedback about your existing 3D content and if it fits our requirements for the Rubens 3D Viewer & Configurator solution. Follow the steps below and start analyzing your 3D product content in an easy and fast way.
1. Content Analyzer Online Link
In order to analyze your 3D product data, simply use the following link:
2. Upload your existing content
Use the upload functionality by clicking "CHOOSE FILE" and select the 3D file you would like to analyze for the Roomle Rubens Configurator platform fit. Alternatively you can also drag & drop your file into this area. Please pay attention to upload your file in the required file format.
We have also prepared a 3D file example online for you to download and analyze to see how your 3D file needs to be structured for a correct upload.
The upload may take a some seconds depending on the complexity of your 3D model.
On the bottom of the page, our 3D requirements for the room planer and configurator are shown. If you want to have a more detailed information, use the link for the detailed requirements on the page or this link:
3. Review the Report
After the upload has taken place, you are automatically redirected to the report page showing the results for your 3D content. Use the switch on the top to change results between the "Configurator" and "Room Planner" requirements. For you only the "Configurator" results are of relevance.
Your 3D files are analyzed against our 3D requirements and you get a short 3D model report for your 3D experts as a result.
The report is split into 2 areas:
- A visual chart
- Detailed results for 3D experts
Ad 1) Interpretation of the visual chart report
There are three areas the bar could be in: Perfect, Usable and Too High. If you find one of the two bars in the red area, the products needs optimization to fit our requirements.. If the bar is in the yellow area somewhere between our recommended and maximum limit, consider further optimization for the best possible experience.
Ad 2) Interpretation of Detailed results report for 3D exports
The detailed results for 3D experts give you a deeper analysis of your content. The symbols indicate a comparison against our requirements and its fit. Focus on the results for "Configurator". If your 3D model does not seem to be visualized correctly and some of the analyzed parameters are highlighted in red it is the perfect time to handover the detailed results to your 3D team and they can start analyzing your data against our requirements.
If you feel stuck with understanding our visualized requirements, feel free to head over to the detailed requirements page for 3D experts:
3D Data Service Offering
You need support with optimizing or setting up your 3D product data the right way or even look for a 3D service partner that can create your products in 3D from scratch?
Reach out to us and we connect you with 3D experts from our service network.